Friday, May 25, 2012

All about me:

What is so special about me? I am just an average student who has several good friends to hang out with, likes watching sports, and is crazy about horror movies.

A lot of things make me happy for example: my friends (they always have the right things to say), my family (they are always there for me and I know if I need something they will have my back any day), and my dog (he is such a sweet heart, very friendly, and when I'm sad he cheers me up)... Many things can make a person happy but this are my top three things that keep my wheels turning because I always know that I have someone to turn to if I need a shoulder to lean on or maybe just need someone to make me smile.

Things that make me sad: I'm rarely ever sad but when I am It usually from things like maybe a break up with a boyfriend or a fight with a best friend. Usually my sadness never lasts long, it tries to stick around but I have such great friends that  it is just easily lifted away. 

I have one main thing I believe in and that is God. He has done great things in my life and I know without him I would be right here, right now, at this very moment. I'd be stuck some place where no one loved me or cared for me. I'd be in a place with bad influences, drugs, alcohol, etc. But I'm not I'm here fixing to graduate and having the time of my life with the people I love.

I am proud of my friends for making it this far. It's senior year; look at us! We made it to the end of high school, we are almost walking across that stage. I am so proud of all my friends for doing well, for getting good grades, keeping up with their work and staying out of trouble. Congratulations... Class of 2012!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Prom was a very important night for me because it was last formal dance left for seniors before they graduate. It was pretty much like a big party with my friends before we have to say goodbye.

Prom was very memorable for me. I sat at table 14 with my friends Stephanie Murillo, Jose M., Emma Perez, Leonard Butkiewicz, Samantha B., Alex Bravo, Blanca, Leslie and her boyfriend. We ate an awesome dish of food with all kinds of delicious things. We had two fountains one with white chocolate and another with regular chocolate with tons of things to dip in them. We had an excellent DJ they did really well; playing many varieties of music and how they mixed it up was excellent.  I didn't enjoy stopping like every third song just to give awards but, I did enjoy learning who and who had won. I had fun dancing with my friends and being silly. It was one of those nights I will remember all my friends dressed up so nicely especially the girls they did really well; all they're dresses looked fantastic. Prom was definitively what I was hoping for and I am glad it was a night I could share with all my closest friends.

After prom added on to all the fun. Sleepover for Stephanie M. birthday! Me, Aundrea Flores, Blanca, Jose, Robert G., Sarah, Paula... Yeah!


In my spare time there is many things I like to do but, I would have to say that my main hobbies are singing and sketching/drawing clothes.

Singing- I have been singing since I was about 3. And for me singing is everything. Like Mohan says, "I sing because I need to believe." Singing is a break out for me; a way to get away from it all. When I sing it's like I'm in another world; one with only me and my music. A world with no violence, no drama, no he said she said. A world with just the perfect combination. I just love it. I like to learn more about it and teach myself new ways to sing. Singing to me is more of a need then a hobbie you could say because I love it so much and if I didn't know how to sing I don't know what I would do.

Drawing clothing- I haven't been drawing for very long because before I always thought that I drew really bad which I did except when it came down to drawing clothes which I found out my southmore year. I was in Mrs. Rebelloso's class and her assignment had to do with drawing some clothes on some manicans she had printed out. At first I was like I don't want to do this, people are going to find out how bad I draw. But once I started it just took off. I let my creativity control my hand at it came out better than I thought it would. I guess I have Mrs. Rebelloso to thank for this hobbie of mine. This is also a fantastic hobbie to know especially because I decided that I would like to become a Fashion Designer someday.

A skill I learned that will serve me well in the future:

I believe the best beneficial skill that will serve me well in the future is my people skills. My ability to listen, expressing my thoughts and feelings clearly, initiating relationships, etc.

Listening to others is a key element of communication. If you don't know what they mean, you can't give 

feedback.  Being open to their views. Being friendly during a conversation, even if the other person isn't so

friendly back. Showing them respect for their opinions.

Initiating relationships helps develop new contacts and new friends. For example: Going out of your way to

have conversations with new people; if you're usually the quite one that no one talks to make an effort

 to introduce yourself to strangers/new people.

Expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly helps people understand you better. Helps people understand what you are thinking and understand what kind of person you are. When people understand what kind of person you are they feel more comfortable to express themselves to you and to show you their true colors. they are no longer trying to hide themselves but to show you 'who they are.'

These I believe will benefit me much in my life because people skills I believe is very important not only to communicate with others properly but to also learn about others and have them trust you because you are open and you know how to listen and not just open your mouth.

Something I wish I could do over:

Something I wish I could do over... My whole high school experience. Not because it was bad or because it wasn't fun but because I would change my attitude towards school. My grades would not be the way they were. I would of passed with A's not with half B's and C's. I would get involve in school go to more pep rallies, more games, get in an organization, get a leather-men for being in something cool like band or orchestra or dance or staying in Choir (all four years), etc. I would of done my homework to the fullest. I would of taking notes as asked or whenever I needed to. I would of studied harder than I ever did. I would try my best to be a better student to participate more, to get more involved in class, I would of been the best I could be. I would of not done the things I did like skip, not do my homework, not study and try to study the day of the test or even the class of the test, I would of not feel asleep in class and not get my work finish or not take notes in class, I would of not talked and not get my work done, I would of not. If I could do it all over I would do it different. I would go in and take over, make the best of it, and would of came out victorious.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.  ~Attributed to Carl Bard

Advice for next year's seniors:

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Your on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where you go..." -Dr. Seuss

First of all Seniors, Congratulations. *CLAP, CLAP, CLAP* You have made it. Senior year can be filled with much joy and fun. But, depending on how you start it off and how you end it. Yes, it's suppose to be the year you get to 'Relax/Chill' but it doesn't mean you sit around sleeping or not doing your work cause remember this year counts too. This year is as important as junior year (pass all your taks test). Not saying stay away from things like pep rallies, homecoming, football games, parties, prom, etc. Just saying just because you made to senior year doesn't mean it's over. Because senior year goes by faster than you can blink (at least it feels as so).  Remember it's your last year, the year before you're off; out in to the world. So play when it's time to play and work when it's time to work. Study for your test, keep your grades up, pass your classes, but also have fun, cherish your last year with your friends, make the best of it all in style. Believe me it's so much better to buckle down from the get go then to play catch up/make up at the end.

The most challenging lesson:

The most challenging times bring us the most empowering lessons. –Karen Salmansohn

I have had many challenging moments in my life many where I struggled so much to comprehend the lesson but, came out knowing that what I thought, did, or would do was wrong. One I remember clearly, one I still can't comprehend all the way, one that still comes out to haunt me at times, my reflection. Almost my whole life until about the 10th grade, I thought that the person in the mirror was not me. I wanted to believe I was more beautiful than I appeared before myself. To myself I seemed like the ugly duckling and everyone around me was oh so beautiful. 

He changed it all, God. I started going to church all of a sudden during the middle of the first semester. But, I knew it was ment to be. One time I went in and all the music and all the singing just made everything melt away... all my insecurity, all my hurt, (all) washed away. The sermon that night was about how God sees us; how he sees me. He talked about Samuel and how the lord said in 1 Samuel 16:7, But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 

It set my heart on high clouds. When I looked in the mirror I now thought 'Life is too short to spend hoping that this or that was fixed or made better when I was beautiful from the get go; he made me perfect just the way I am.

The best book I read:

“The ache starts in my chest and spreads through my veins. The abuse I can handle; it's the happiness that cripples.” 
― Laura WiessSuch a Pretty Girl

I would have to say Such a Pretty Girl is one of my favorite books I've read so far. It has everything a good book should have mischief, things that make you wonder, things that make you ponder, it shows the violence that some people have within them, and much more. 

Such a Pretty Girl deals with a serious subject, sexual abuse, from the point of view of a girl (Meridith) who was abused by her father. Meredith’s mother: she the type of lady who believes in forgetting and forgiving. She also takes her husband side other than her owns daughter. She thinks that Meredith made it up in her mind, that her husband could have never, even though she knows it's all true. Meredith’s grandmother: she’s the kind of lady who believe in justice. She takes Meredith into her house to take her away from the dangers of Meredith own home; well at least she tries. Andy: a paralyzed boy (Meredith’s boyfriend). He was also raped by Meredith’s father.

Other from Meredith's grandmother, Andy, & one other; Meredith had no way out. Her own mother brought him into the house once again. Her father was supposed to be locked up until Meredith turned eighteen (sentenced nine years). She thought she had time to grow up, get out, and start a new life but her dad came out sooner (Only served three years). 

Story ends with her freedom from him, him in the hospital, her mother getting arrested but coming out on bail and back to the man who should not even be called a father; right by his side & unworried of her daughter. So far best story I've read.

A time I really laughed:

“Earth laughs in flowers.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I laugh a lot. My life is full of people that make me laugh so much you'd think I'd pee my pants. I remember this one time I laughed for almost a whole class period. I was in fourth period (Fashion Design) with my friend, Jamie Blair. I got to class just as the bell had finish ringing it's last rings. As soon as I walked in I yelled, "Jamie," as I do everyday and went to go sit with her. We sat and talked for a little bit and I told her a story of what had happen to me the previous weekend. She started laughing so loud the whole second row table looked at her like 'what the heck...' I was laughing along with her but for some reason I was laughing like a hyena. I laughed so hard I couldn't breath. I was making funny faces, almost falling off my chair, and to make it even funnier Jaime made me laugh even more when she started laughing at me for laughing weird. We were nearly balling when it was time to go to lunch. We went our separate way; she met up with her friends and me with mine. We went  to get our lunches and came to sit down at the same table as soon as we sat down we started to eat and immediately as our eyes met we burst out laughing again.. our friends just starred cluelessly. We kept laughing and eventually were out of laughter (until Carlos came) and we (not to be mean) started to laugh at him. Everything he said was hilarious, no matter what it was it was so funny. Lunch ended and we walked our separate ways and met up again in class. We sat down and try to finish the work that we couldn't seem to do because all of our laughing and again we laughed and laughed until the laughing ended up like the beginning of class with her laughing at my dumb laugh.

Man that day was a day to remember I have never laughed so hard in my life and the funny thing is I can't even remember the story I told her that started the laugh. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My favorite teacher:

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth". - Dan Rather

Mr. Oneal. He is an awesome teacher. Everyone enjoys his class. Everyone has such a great time in his class cause he is always a great encouragement. We walk in his class and are sometimes like ugh it's math but leave knowing that not only did we learn something about math but, something we can carry with us always.. A GREAT TEACHER. Mr. Oneal is one of those teacher that teaches and makes it worth sketching into your brain. He is always doing everything possible to have everyone comprehend. He teaches with his heart; he doesn't just write it down or make us read out of a book.. He actually teaches how a teacher should. A teacher should not just go by the rules but go by the rules and make it there own.. yes you have to teach a certain assignment or lesson but, a good teacher teaches it to the fullest. They don't leave anyone behind, they make sure everyone is ready before moving on and he does that. If by the end you still don't understand he makes time to show you/help you. And not only does he teach but, he cares he helps us when we have problems, real problems. He gives us advice and suggests what we should do; whether we listen or not he has still made an impact. Mr. Oneal is my favorite teacher and I know I speak for a lot more than just myself. He is an outstanding teacher he teaches, cares, and impacts many lives each day. I am glad to have called him my tacher and without him I seriously don't think I would of passed math.


Over the years I have gone through many changes. Some of those changes consist of physical (such as my height and appearance) and even personality changes. I have noticed that over the years I have become more outgoing and confident in myself, as well as secure in my skin. I have grown to like myself more and accept who I am, knowing that there is nobody else in the world like me. Seeing different qualities in people has helped to shape my personality in the sense that I am able to view qualities that I both like as well as dislike. Growing up is part of life, as well as the challenges that come along with it. Even though the struggles are hard, in the long run they make you stronger and a better person. My family is very important to me, especially when I need comforting, but friends are the ones you spend most of your time with growing up, and they are the ones who see you go through hard times and are always there for you. Boyfriends will come and go, but it is your girlfriends whom you share laughter, memories and secrets that will be treasured in your heart for the rest of your life. Therefore, my friends are very special to me and have a huge influence on who I am now. 

One thing that I love and always will love about friends is the high hearted spirit and jokingness that comes along with it. Having a true friend means that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you will be able to always have fun! For example, I share some of the funniest moments of my life with some of my closest friends, Tony Arredondo, Robert Gutierrez, Josh Nunez, Aundrea Flores, and Stephanie Murillo. We are able to laugh and have fun anytime together. They bring me so much joy in the sense that when I am with them, I know that I will have a tremendous time filled with much humor. Friends are also great for cheering you up when you are feeling blue. One example of that is Yajaira Del Valle. She is always hilarious no matter what, and we are immediately immersed with laughter. Though Yajaira and I are not very close when it comes to our personal lives and situations, we always seem to have fun-filled joking times that can brighten my day no matter what. These are some of the uplifting qualities in which my friends have a major effect on me.

 Although fun and laughter are great, there will come a point in time when you are desperately longing for advice. These tend to be the times when you turn to your most trusted, longest friends. I have had days when I have gone through situations when I just do not want to go to my parents. Some examples of these are boy problems, as well as girl drama. Since my friends can first-handedly relate to me, they come into excellent use. One of my best friends, Stephanie Murillo, always has the best advice to give me and seems to know what is right. Another quality I love about her is that no matter, what she is always encouraging and never brings me down. I have seen girls in situations where they are afraid to tell the other one the truth, or simply that they are wrong. Stephanie is not afraid to say, « Princess you messed up, and I want to help you fix it ». From these moments arose a strong friendship has developed that will last a lifetime ! Though Stephanie and I do go through times in which we vary in closeness, no matter what we will always have a solid firm friendship providing support systems for each other. I am so grateful for her, along with all of the memories we have shared. She is definitely a friend worth turning to, and a tremendous example of how to be a true friend.

So many girls today in society will sacrifice anything, even their reputation just to « fit in ». Yet what exactly does it mean to « fit in »? Some might view it as hanging out with the « cool clique », even if you do things that you would have never dreamed of doing. Others might view it as being up-to-date on fashion trends, or liking popular music of the time. Though these ideas of « fitting in » might seem correct to some girls, to me those words have a definition that is able to vary from person to person. Part of having a true friend is being able to act yourself around them. Changing your personality for people will get you nowhere but insecure and confused. Who wants to put on an act for society? I believe the answer to that is nobody! Being myself is so important to me, that if I feel like I have to change who I am just to get somebody’s approval means that they are not even worth my time. I am so blessed to have the kind of friends where I am able to just be the crazy person I am, than rather being fake and unhappy. When it comes to being in a clique or being you, I would pick being yourself any day of the week. Stefani Gonzales, probably my oldest friend has seen me grow up and evolve over the course of my lifetime. One reason why we get along so well is because we are able to just be ourselves and not worry about pleasing each other. This is the basic building block to having true friends…if you can’t be yourself than who can you be? 

Over the course of my life I have seen friends come and go. Yet I have remained close with my oldest truest friends all because of our ability to be truthful and loyal to each other. I am able to turn to different friends for different things; such as laughter, motivation and even just wanting to talk. My friends are one of the most important things in my life right now, and without them I would probably be completely lost and in dire need to companionship. Yet I have a lot more to learn about growing up, but one thing I know for sure is that the only way to have a true friend is to be a true friend. Also, relationships do come and go, but the good ones stay and memories last forever. Friends are so important to me and I cherish everything we go through together!