Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My favorite teacher:

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth". - Dan Rather

Mr. Oneal. He is an awesome teacher. Everyone enjoys his class. Everyone has such a great time in his class cause he is always a great encouragement. We walk in his class and are sometimes like ugh it's math but leave knowing that not only did we learn something about math but, something we can carry with us always.. A GREAT TEACHER. Mr. Oneal is one of those teacher that teaches and makes it worth sketching into your brain. He is always doing everything possible to have everyone comprehend. He teaches with his heart; he doesn't just write it down or make us read out of a book.. He actually teaches how a teacher should. A teacher should not just go by the rules but go by the rules and make it there own.. yes you have to teach a certain assignment or lesson but, a good teacher teaches it to the fullest. They don't leave anyone behind, they make sure everyone is ready before moving on and he does that. If by the end you still don't understand he makes time to show you/help you. And not only does he teach but, he cares he helps us when we have problems, real problems. He gives us advice and suggests what we should do; whether we listen or not he has still made an impact. Mr. Oneal is my favorite teacher and I know I speak for a lot more than just myself. He is an outstanding teacher he teaches, cares, and impacts many lives each day. I am glad to have called him my tacher and without him I seriously don't think I would of passed math.

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